Moments I want to remember...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

W.W. random

Just looking through pics I have saved in a folder...

How many pics of these two I have like this, I guess you can never have to many!!!!

I think I was 15 in this pic...what am I wearing??? AND WHY did I think I was fat then????

Lil Me!!!! I think I was four.

My Mommy!!!!!!! I love her!!!!! (why does she always look surprised in pics, she would tell you it's cause I remind her to OPEN her eyes.

Almost a year ago...seems like a month ago.....where did the year go??? (if I blogged more maybe I would know.)

At the zoo.......I love these girls!!!!

This pic just brings a smile to my face it also shows me why I invested a million dollars to put braces on my babies. HAA HAAA HAAA

Awwwwwwwww...summer...I miss you...and you to Nunus!!!

Just laugh cause it's funny!!!

TAKE ME BACK THERE.......someone???anyone??? PLEASE!!!

Family Day at the Park!

This is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!! HAPPINESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving

May your stuffing be tasty
May your turkey plump,
May your potatoes and gravy
Have never a lump.
May your yams be delicious
And your pies take the prize,
And may your Thanksgiving dinner
Stay off your thighs!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!!

Hee heee, this made me giggle!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Where to start...........and giving thanks

I don't even know where to begin so much has happened since I last blogged and when was that, hmmmmmmmmmmm, I don't know an I should have checked so I don't repeat. Oh well I am to lazy. I am also suppose to be planning my second High-School reunion but that requires work too. The first one was a HUGE success and I am pattin myself on the back cause I was a lil nervous about how it would turn out. I will share some pics tomorrow, again requires work and I am not really up for that.

My girls are 14 officially for a few weeks now and they haven't turned in to monsters, YEAH! I am thankful for this blessing!!!

I found a new home for my Baby Doggie and I am sad. :( She is happy though and that is what matters to me. I am so thankful for this blessing...and Craigslist!

One of my best friends moved and in to her OWN place with her husband and family and I am so thankful for that blessing.

My bestest friend is coming for the holidays and I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO thankful and excited. Especially since I cried from missing her so much this past Sat. Thank you!!!!

I reunited with friends I haven't seen since 91-92....and it was like no time had passed between us. We shared memories and good times and talked about growing up....most of us have kids that were our ages when we met and were sweatin big time as we reminisced. I am thankful for rekindled friendships, it is indeed a blessing.

I bought a new camera, with 12x zoom, cause I NEED it!!!! Funny how many people tried to make claims on my other camera, duh, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO way!!! It is my favorite and this one will really only be used for long distance occasions. I love my camera, LOVE LOVE LOVE it (the original, not the new one) The new one is to big to carry around in my purse anyway. I am thankful that I was able to save the money to buy and then actually buy it. Being able to purchase a present for myself is a blessing!!!!

I am thankful for many more things because I am soooooooooooo blessed however I could be here all day writing about them and never get the second reunion planned. Hopefully I can get some pics uploaded for W.W.

THANK YOU JESUS for all my blessings and all the love that surrounds me everyday!