Moments I want to remember...

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


I HATE THEM!!!!!!!!!! Why am I not exited and motivated to kick my girls in the butt so we can just be done already??????????? Why can I not remember how much I HATED doing the science projects at the last minute the last two years and it change hoe things are done this year????? WHY WHY WHY????? Why do they have to do a freakin science project every year from now until they graduate??? What life lesson is this teaching them, huh Mr. K, huh, do tell?? Why do I fight it???

So, science projects are do in less then a month and the girls have topics so I guess we are at least on step one, but next comes experiments and research and visits to the library, cause they can't use the Internet as their only source(they force you to go to the library). Materials have to be bought and I am not sure if they teachers realize it but I have TWO KIDS doing TWO different projects, I mean I know Ms. W does cause they are int he same class, but come on, you couldn't have made them partners???? They probably could have but didn't want to and deep down somewhere in my soul I know that is almost like giving them each other's papers to copy, WHATEVER!!!!!!!!!!!!

So, what should I be doing, I mean other then work, I should be printing of information to do these stinkin projects. The issue with that is, ummmmm, I have no idea what the Princess is doing or WHY, I even emailed the teacher to say, what is she really proving, cause I can't figure it out?

In other news..... the heart breaker called last night and I think to his surprise I sounded great and alive and HAPPY. Even though he sounded a little surprised cause I am not sure what he prepared himself for, probably didn't even think I would answer the phone. We didn't talk long, because I was on my way to the gym and even though I wanted to (just a little) talk to him, going to the gym and taking care of myself was more important, so I DID and I worked HARD!!! I also know God was on my side cause when I got to the gym it was packed and there was one treadmill open and within 5 minutes, about 4 different people came down and then headed back home cause there was no more room!!! Good decisions are rewarded, if I would have stayed on the phone, I wouldn't have had a spot, I WIN!!!!!!!!

Its hump day!!!!!!!!! My day here is going to be hectic so I thought, while I am not able to do much, I should take me break now so I get it, cause I know the rest of the day is going to be CRAZY!!!

Oh, I should Ty how to blog too, set her up and everything, she is excited about it, we'll see! It's gonna be HARDDDDDD not to peak in to it, but I promised, so if anyone else will peak and share and feel no guilt about that LET ME KNOW!!!!


  • I loved the paragraph on the good news! You sound great and very at peace w/your recent decisions and I'm so happy for you. For you to be able to carry on a non-chalant convo w/him after this past weekend and the roller coaster of emotions is tough as nails. Oh and way to really be disciplined w/the gym and charge on. So proud of you and I will need to borrow some of that motivation from you since I've been so lazy lately. I love hearing it from you.

    I'm trying to concentrate but the construction of a house next to ours is in full swing and Tex Mex tunes are literally BLARING out of their truck. I may have to go out in bathrobe and curlers in my hair and yell at them to turn the noise down.

    Back to you... I wanna see Ty's blog! You think she'll actually stick to it? I'm siced! heh, siced. I used to love that word.

    Ok, have a good and productive day over there busy bee!


    By Blogger Claudia, At 10:27 AM  

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